The NSF INCLUDES Alliance: IGEN (Inclusive Graduate Education Network, or IGEN) is a partnership of over 30 societies, institutions, organizations, corporations, and national laboratories poised to lead a paradigm shift in increasing the participation of underrepresented racial and ethnic minority (UREM) students who enter graduate or doctorate level programs in the physical sciences. Its charge is to match the advanced degree participation rates to those of undergraduate student percentages and eliminate this disparity while increasing diversity in the reserve of future scientists.

The California Consortium for Inclusive Doctoral Education (C-CIDE)

was a pilot partnership of six California research universities (UC-Berkeley, UC-Davis, UC-Irvine, UC-San Diego, UC-Santa Barbara, and USC) which selected at least four PhD programs within each institution that nucleated a scalable, sustainable networked improvement committee focused on building capacity for faculty practices that would reduce inequities in STEM graduate education. Funded by the NSF Innovations in Graduate Education program, C-CIDE developed and refined a multicampus, multidisciplinary model of faculty development, that was aimed at creating a path to institutionalize practices that would more equitably select and serve students from the country’s emerging majority.

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