The Consortium for Equity in Graduate Education is a network of faculty and administrators across doctoral-granting universities that aims to diversify the demographic composition of STEM graduate programs and the scientific workforce.


Workshop Hosts


The Consortium is exploring partnership opportunities with the leaders of the University Centers for Exemplary Mentoring (UCEM) and the Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership (SIGP).


American Physical Society

American Geophysical Union

American Mathematical Society (paraDIGMS)

Boston University

Brown University

Cal Poly Pomona

California State University-Northridge

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Virginia Tech

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Carnegie Mellon University

Colorado State University

Columbia University

Cornell University

Duke University

Georgia State University

Harvard Medical School

Johns Hopkins University

Louisiana State University

Michigan State University

Montana State University

North Carolina State University

Northwestern University

Ohio State University

Oregon State University

Penn State University

Princeton University

Rochester Institute of Technology

Rutgers University

Sloan Foundation

Stanford University

Texas Woman’s University

UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Irvine

UC Riverside

UC San Diego

UC Santa Barbara


University Centers for Exemplary Mentoring

University of Buffalo

University of Central Florida

University of Chicago

University of Denver

University of Illinois – Urbana

University of Kentucky

University of Maryland

University of Massachusetts – Amherst

University of Michigan

University of Minnesota

University of Missouri

University of Oregon

University of Rochester

University of South Carolina

University of Southern California

University of Texas – Austin

University of Texas – San Antonio

University of Virginia

University of Washington

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