Tamara Schaps
Assistant Dean, Graduate Strategic Initiatives
UC San Diego
Tamara has worked in higher education since 2004, serving at multiple institutions in diverse units such as career development, admissions, and student services. She has focused on graduate education since 2011 and is interested in creating pathways into and through graduate school for students from all backgrounds, in particular those who are underrepresented in their fields. She is active in professional associations and is committed to service and mentorship in higher education. Tamara earned a B.A. in Communication and Global Studies at Pacific Lutheran University and an M.A. in Higher Education Administration from The George Washington University. She joined the UC San Diego Graduate Division in January 2018 to work on collaborative initiatives and special projects; she currently serves as co-leader of the UC San Diego C-CIDE Campus Team working to increase diversity and equity in graduate education through intentional faculty engagement.