Yasmin Kadir
Consortium Manager, Equity in Graduate Education Consortium
University of Southern California
After graduating from California Polytechnic, San Luis Obispo with a Bachelor’s in Business Management, Yasmin held an integral development and operational role as the first full-time employee at a human rights nonprofit in Los Angeles. Since then she has managed multiple research projects and teams at USC Rossier’s Pullias Center, as well as the Center for Education, Identity and Social Justice. She also served as a trauma-informed crisis counselor for LGBTQ youth at the Trevor Project, a Change Maker in NewGround’s fellowship, and a Youth Educator at Peace Over Violence all while holding her roles at USC. Yasmin specializes in project management, client relationship management, and development with a focus on equity in education and mental health. She is also a graduate student in USC Price’s Master of Pubic Administration program with a certification in Public Policy.
Yasmin’s professional and personal endeavors are centered on Audre Lorde’s words, “I am not free while any [person] is unfree, even when [their] shackles are very different from my own.”